Last week it was reported that a 16-year-old boy got a Nintendo DS box full of rocks in lieu of the real DS his mom intended to buy him. To make it even weirder/funnier, the rocks were wrapped in Chinese newspaper. This was an unexpected incident following his parent's first prank of buying him Guitar Hero: On Tour (without having a DS to play it). We at P2 like happy endings, so good thing Wal-mart actually refunded the price after originally denying them credit!
Hot on the heels of that incident, came rolling another boulder of a blunder. A guy in Texas buys an Apple MacBook at Best Buy for $2000, but gets home to find out his new computer bricked, literally! Instead of his MacBook, he was sold a paving stone! Now, this customer's situation is yet to be resolved and we're sure it'll be done soon. Or someones gonna get stoned.
These unprecedented duo of events, sparked my proprietary "theory sensor". I have a hunch that there is a conspiring "Rock Man", not to be confused with the Japanese "Mega Man" (perchance this guy/gal is Chinese). Instead of a hero fighting forces of evil, he's a mineral loving tech-villain, hellbent on replacing the world's game/computer systems with varied forms of rocks. Now I just have to investigate to discover if it's for practical jokes or a greater plan threatening the well-being of mankind. Doesn't sound too crazy I think.
*gets pulled away and constrained in a straitjacket*
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